This application is a good alternative to dialing the phone when driving. It comes in handy when you are calling people you don't very regularly. I have my favorites setup so for those people, it's not any faster to use the Say Who application. But for those other 140 people not on my favorites list, this application is very helpful.
You will need to familiarize yourself with how you entered your friends names in your phone. I know for some of my contacts I use first and last names, just first names, just last names, or nicknames. Once you use Say Who you start to remember how your contacts are stored in your iPhone.
Shortly after installing Say Who my iPhone applications wouldn't open correctly. I have about 10 on my iPhone and not one would open. This isn't the first time this has happened, but I did have to delete all my apps and reistall them. They all work fine now. Just something to be aware of.